Do you recognize the symptoms of portfolio paralysis? If you
see yourself in any of the scenarios listed below, this may be your wake-up
call to find a financial advisor to help you get back on top of your game.
Are you paralyzed by information overload?
Information sharing has exploded in recent years.
Newspapers, business television, and the Internet are valuable sources of
information and opinion, but investors can overload from continuous consumption
of spectacular events that roil the markets. The confusion and noise have a
tendency to reveal the speculations in the market, but they also tend to
obscure the investment opportunities that might exist. As a result, you sit waiting
for an all-clear signal.
Are you unclear about the strategic direction of you
investment portfolio?
There are now many competing investment strategies and ways
to achieve your financial objectives. Some carry a high-risk premium, while
others promise safety but modest returns. Which approach would suit you and
satisfy your long-term goals? In today’s market, it’s easy to lose your
perspective. When that happens, bad decisions follow.
Do you feel you don’t have the time to invest wisely?
As we get older, we discover that managing a growing
investment portfolio is hard work and requires more and more of our attention.
Particularly in today’s markets, identifying investment opportunities requires research
and doing our homework. It often involves time we don’t have to give, and when
this happens, your portfolio doesn’t get the attention it deserves.
Is investing a regular source of worry?
The goal of investing isn’t to be in a constant state of surprise,
fear, or anguish. Such emotions shouldn’t be reasons to put your portfolio
under the covers. Getting a good night’s sleep is a legitimate objective of
good financial and investment planning. Intelligent investing is a process of
identifying and quantifying the risks associated with an investment. That way,
we can anticipate the unexpected and turn it into a manageable situation. Worry
and fear of surprises are indicators that your tolerance of risk isn’t in sync
with your investments.
If any or all of the above situations sound familiar and
have frozen your investment portfolio, then it’s time to seek an investment
advisor to help you get re-directed in the market. Many investors do not feel
confident enough to take on today’s markets alone. Finding a financial advisor
you trust will get back your perspective with a strategy that works for you in
today’s markets. If you feel that you’ve been pulled over on the side of the
road long enough, an advisor can help review your current state of affairs and
recommend an investment road map that will get you back on the road.
This material was prepared by Raymond James Ltd. for use by
(Name of Financial Advisor) of Raymond James Ltd. It is provided for
informational purposes only. Statistics, factual data and other information are
from sources Raymond James believes to be reliable but their accuracy cannot be
guaranteed. Securities offered through Raymond James Ltd., member Canadian
Investor Protection Fund.